c1 radio

 Wednesday 27th November 2024

Radio Research   

BBC Radio 1 : Popular and trendy music and the top chart hits of the day.    
BBC Radio 2: A popular radio station 
BBC Radio 3: Plays classical music
BBC Radio 4: Displays the news and current wold events
BBC Radio 5 LIVE:  National radio station
BBC Radio 6 Music: A digital radio
BBC Radio Cornwall: Plays news and current events in Cornwall
BBC Asian Radio network: Displays and plays national music from Asian cultures.

These examples show diversity by playing music from different cultures and county's across the UK.

 Wednesday 4th December 2024
Do Now:
1) BBC Radio 1
2)Commercial radio is a radio station that earns a profit.
3)A range of different music and cultures.
4)LIAR is Language, Industry, Audience and representation.
5) Context is other information to back something up. (Historical, political, social and cultural)

Component One- The Radio Industry

LO: To explore the content and structure of the unit.

1)Public Service Broadcaster - A media outlet that provides broadcasts for the general public.
2)Commercial Radio - A station that generates revenue through advertisements and sponsors.
3)Community Radio - A station that is operate, owned and influenced by the communities they serve.
4)Podcast - A digital medium consisting of audio and sometimes video episodes that relate to a certain theme.
5)DAB Radio- Digital Audio Broadcast Radio (uses digital technology to distribute different stations across the world/country.
6)RAJAR- Radio Joint Audience Research, (measures radio audiences).
7) Royal Charter- The constitutional basis for the BBC .
8)Remit- a set of obligations or priorities that a channel or service must fulfil.
9) Convergence- Joining of several distinct technologies into one

Public Service- A media outlet that provides broadcasts for the general public/ funded by the tv licenses.
Commercial- Small, non-profit stations that are funded by ads , fundraising and sponsors
Community- Funded by advertisements and play different genres.

The difference between how Public Service radio and Commercial radio are funded is that, the Public Service stations are funded primarily by TV licenses , these licenses allow the British public to watch day time television and radio. Commercial radio stations are funded by advertisements, fundraising and sponsors, who pay to have their companies and products highlighted on the stations. 4

DAB allows the audience to download and catch-up on their favourite stations.


Wednesday 11th December 2024
Do Now:
1)An active audience is an audience that engages and responds to media messages.
2)A passive audience is an audience that accepts media messages and its deeper messages.
3)The uses and gratification theory is personal identity, information, entertainment and social interaction.
4)Fortnite engages with the audience by frequently adding fresh and trendy updates and advertisements.

Improvement Week

Wednesday 18th December 2024
Do Now:
1) A public service broadcaster is funded by the tv licenses and provides content for the public. ✓ Financed by the public for the public.
2) A commercial radio is funded on advertisements and sponsors.
3)Current events and news. Mixed speech/spoken word
5) New technological advancements and cross media convergence.

Radio is still so popular because of its constantly free and accessible transportation, you can listen to whatever station you would like, any music genre or podcast. You can also listen again and rewind.

The Archers

Lo: To explore the context and background of our set products.

Soap Opera Conventions:

Female target audience/strong female characters/matriarchs.
Family plot lines/ work/relationships
Ongoing stories
Set in specific locations
Features more on dialogue

The Archers:

-Broadcasted BBC Radio 4, Spotify.
-12/13 minute episodes
-Monthly script meetings
-Recording takes place every four weeks and actors only receive their scripts a few days before.
-Actors are employed for 6 days in which they record 24 episodes.
-Very little room for error due to the two hours of studio time

The Archers is the worlds longest running radio soap opera, it began broadcast in 1951 and is set in the fictional village of Ambleside. It commonly explores comforting tales of rural English life, some stories are more dramatic but most are about  relationships or more realistic everyday lives in a farming community. The episodes are around 13 minutes long and are created only days before recording. its main target audience is middle aged women. 
Wednesday 8th January 2025
Do Now:
2)BBC Radio 4
3)Strong female lead, dramatic storylines.
4)Everyday at 7pm ✓ (not on Saturday)
5)To inform, educate and entertain. 

The Archers: Set Episode

Christmas play, before and after scenes
Gavin comes back from prison, sounds ill, poor living conditions, lives in a van in a pub car park, repentant
Main Characters:
Kirsty Miller
Philip Moss
Genre Conventions:
Ongoing and dramatic storylines
Different characters/accents
Audience appeals:
Links to the audiences own life
How does it 'inform, educate or entertain'?:
Modern slavery
Community based
How does the episode show the impact of social or cultural context?:
Gavin lives in a van
Life returning from prison
Wednesday 15th January 2025
Do Now:
2) Gavin getting out of prison, village Christmas play.  +Modern slavery, housing crisis.
3)Strong female lead, dramatic storylines.
4)Every day at 7pm, however not on a Saturday. ✓ 
5) To inform, educate and entertain. 


Age: Older-middled aged (45-60)
Gender: Female
Location: Countryside/ rural setting, midlands.     
Income: Wealthy/ average profit, disposable
Class: c2-A
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Christianity

The Archers: Audiences and Uses and Gratification

The website, online content, blogs, behind the scenes videos, podcasts, clips, discussions online.

Serious Topics:
-Grace Archer dying in a fire.
-Polly Perkins going through a miscarriage.
-Usha Gupta experiencing racially motivated attacks.
-John Archer dying in a tractor accident.
-Ruth Archer being diagnosed with breast cancer.
-Owen King raping Kathy Perkins

-Tragic deaths and accidents
-Domestic Abuse
-Armed Robbery 

Wednesday 22nd January 2025

Do Now:
1)Death, miscarriage, racism, rape, relationships, domestic violence.
2)BBC Radio 4
3)Licensing fee.
4)No advertisements, higher quality.
5)Middle/Higher class, wealthy, Midlands.

Key Conventions : The Archers

- Strong female lead
- Dramatic storylines
- Relationship drama
- Ongoing Storylines
- Cyclical structure
- Focus on social issues

- Usha Frank

Subdued to racist attacks in 1995,  this appeals to the audience because some of the audience can relate to also being racially harassed and this can create a comforting and relatable character arc. The BBC created Usha's harassment storyline to highlight how racism can impact daily life.

- Helen Archer

Victim of domestic abuse and relationship problems, her brother committed suicide in 2004, Helen is an example of how domestic abuse can affect peoples lives. On twitter, a mass group of followers created a #FreeHelen campaign to raise money for domestic abuse charities. 

Wednesday 29th January 2025
Do Now:
1) More than 5 million listeners. 6 million. 
2)ABC1, middle aged women.
3)Everyday at 7pm, not on a Sunday. ✓ weekly omnibus on Sunday morning, repeated at 2pm the following day.
5)To inform, educate and entertain.  ✓ 

Audiences and U&G

Explain how the BBC uses different platforms to distribute radio programmes. Refer to The Archers to support your points. 

The BBC uses platforms such as their own website to distribute their show this allows you to  access various podcasts, blogs and features, it can be listened to on different radio stations and social media apps, everyday at 7pm. The Podcasts are accessible to download on their website and are able to be listened to for up to 30 days with an omnibus .The Archers is promoted through various social media platforms such as X (formally Twitter), and Facebook, which allows the fans to keep up with new updates and episodes. Fans can also engage with topics through fan groups, discussions and online chats; '#FreeHelen' trended on X and caused fans to donate 100k to Refuge. 

Uses and Gratification:

Personal Identity-
Relatable topics (Domestic violence storyline #FreeHelen)
Relatable characters (age, personality)
To get help with certain topics (Modern slavery, prison release)
Rural life
Gripping storylines
Social Interaction-
Through fan pages and groups
Social media debates, comments and discussions (#FreeHelen)

Why Might Audiences listen to The Archers (reference U&G)

Audiences listen to The Archers because of the relatable topics, such as domestic violence and modern slavery; some of these topics can almost resonate with members of the audience who have experienced the same topics. However, some listeners may relate more to the individual characters due to certain personality traits and attitudes. These topics introduce a sense of familiarity and comfort for the audience. Other listeners might prefer to listen to The Archers to receive help with certain topics discussed in the episodes, (domestic violence, prison) and too experience the rural lifestyle secondhand for nostalgia and comfort. Furthermore, the griping storylines can cause surreal escapism for listeners, along with the deeper conversations, discussions, comments and debates seen on online chats and fan pages. (Facebook , X) Overall, audiences might listen to The Archers due to person experiences being discussed, to receive help with certain topics, to escape busy lives and to interact with other fans.  

Friday 5th February 2025
Do Now:
1)Community, commercial and public service broadcasting. ✓
2)PSB (Public service broadcasting)
5)BBC 4

Media Industries (exam questions and responses)

1) OFFCOM regulates radio. 
2) Two examples of a type of radio in the UK; community and commercial (and PSB)
3) The difference between commercial and PSB is that commercial radio is funded by advertisements and promotions; however the public service broadcast is funded with the license fee that is payed for by the public.
4) Remit: To educate, inform and entertain:

The Archers fits into the BBC remit because it informs the audience. The Archers uses their platform to highlight mature topics, such as domestic abuse and sexual assault. These topics are shown to inform the audience about the reality of tragedy and how it impacts peoples lifestyle. An example of this is #FreeHelen, a Twitter hashtag created to raise money for abuse victims after Helen Archer's domestic violence storyline.

In 1951, when the Archers first launched, their main focus was to educate audiences by portraying their rural, countryside lifestyle and displaying nationwide concerns of rationing. However, in more recent episodes, The Archers mainly focuses on educating the public on a countryside lifestyle and how serious topics effect the occupants, and their close knit community. This is done on purpose to carefully display country life to someone residing in a more populated city life. 

The Archers entertains their audience by using gripping and dramatic storylines, their portrayal of serious topics; as discussed before, can entertain audiences and keep them heavily entertained with new compelling stories. 

1) BBC Radio 4 broadcasts the Archers
2) Middle aged, upper class women, are the main demographic. (ABC1 Women)
3)Strong female lead; gradual, realistic and dramatic storylines that follow a female lead. 
Audiences listen to The Archers because of personal identity and connections. The Archers infamously use dramatic yet realistic storylines to enhance and increase the audiences interaction with the radio station. However, some of these storylines may be relatable and audiences may find a deep personal connection to different characters, storylines or topics. ( An example of this is the #FreeHelen campaign, which went viral across social media platforms and raised money for charities, it was started by someone who related to Helens domestic abuse storyline.)
Wednesday 12th February 2025
Do Now:
1)1hr 30 minutes
3) BBC Radio 4
4) License fee
5) Educate, inform , entertain

Lesson seen on 'Film' page


  1. 29/1- Great description of how why the listeners are interested. T: 3. Give an example from the show of when this has happened. 4. Link this to how it fits with U&G theory. 6/12

  2. 13/2- T: 1. Cover another area of the U&G theory. 10/12


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